Just as an aside, there is away to puthe legs in AFTER without causing any problems with the hair.

It's both fast and very secure. I know it's faster than tying them in while spinning, and saves time dealing with the legs while trimming...

AFTER the bug is trimmed and everything else is done. Use a large sewing needle and thread short portion of the leg/legs through the eye...slide the needle through the body from side to side just ABOVE the hook shank...look at the needle going through from the front to make sure it's level (you can tilt/adjust as needed). You can put the legs through at an ANGLE with this method if you want to, something hard to do if you tie them in.

Pull the legs through a little leaving what would be the 'middle' of the legs (what you want inside the body) showing just outside the side of the body. STRETCH the legs and add some CA glue to them. Pull them into place and relax the rubber.

They will stay in place as long as the bug will last.
