I know that I'm a broken record on this, but buy a copy of Billy Munn's "Tying Bass Bugs with Deerhair". It'll show ya' how to tye in your legs and host of other tips on working hair.

This is a very well done, professional quality production of Billy tying four hairbugs. As he goes through these bugs, he explains everything that he is doing. The photography and sound quality are top notch. It was the best $25.00 that I've ever spent in tying.

Everyone who has every watched Billy Munn work with hair will be thrilled with this DVD. And those of you who have never had the opportunity to watch Mr. Munn, but who wanted to learn to tie hair or "move up" to the next level with your tying are in for a real treat. You will not be disappointed.

Other than contacting Billy at his home (262 Cuba Rd, Bridgeport, TX 76426), I don't know where else they are available. I don't know what he charges for shipping. But if you get it from Billy, he'll autograph it for ya', if ya wish!

Check out what Chris Helms said about Billy Munn is his interview with Hatch's magazine:

"The real turning point in my tying came in 1985 when I attended my first Federation of Fly Fishers Conclave in West Yellowstone, MT. I took a Warmwater Class from Jimmy Nix and Billy Munn, who were probably the two best bass bug tiers in North America at that time. Both of them had won the Buz Buszek Award, so that should give you an idea about their competency. What I learned from them in two days would have taken 15 years on my own. It was so exciting to learn from those guys. It was like taking golf lessons from Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson! The ironic thing about that class was that I hadn't signed up for any classes in advance. This was the only fly tieing class that had any openings. What a break!"

That interview, which is full of great tips on tying deer hair can be found at: http://www.hatchesmagazine.com/page/may2006/175

By the way, now all three of these deer hair tyers tyers are recipients of the Federation of Fly Fishers' Buz Buszek Award.


Want to know how Jimmy Nix got so good? Nix use d to go up to Billy's house several evenings a week to tie with Billy...