I might recommend everyone go to their control panel and turn off receive email from other users. If an FAOL member wants to email you, they can PM you and ask for your direct email, unless you want to be anonymous, then they can simply PM you. That's the only way another user can send an email to you from FAOL - if you allow it. (or God forbid if we get hacked, but that doesn't seem to be the case today)

Panfisher, check the raw headers of that message to see where it came from, in Windows you probably have to look at the email properties, as most windows email programs hide the raw headers that show you where the email really came from.

I would like to know if it came from the FAOL server so I can close that hole if it exists. Keep in mind this can happen 2 ways.

One: a bot gets in, and it searches methodically for all users that allow emails to be sent to them from other users. (this is slow and not worth the spammers time though).

Two: they managed to get your email from a post on the board or some other place out on the net. In this case ANYONE can forge a from address...

It's very easy for me for instance to replace my From: header with say Santa Claus<jollyolwhitedude@northpole.net> or some such nonsense. The raw headers however will still show what servers touched it etc...