Glad you can save a buck fifty on line dressing. Keep shopping at Walmart instead of your fly shop until the shop is gone. Then the next time you need 30# backing for that trip planned for the next day try getting it at Walmart. I have nothing against Walmart. We sell to them but I rarely buy there if at all. I think I have been into the local Walmart 3 times in the 7 or 8 years they have been here. Don't think I bought anything. Not my type of store, to crowded, to impersonal, but to each their own. I buy my specialty goods from local shops when I can for the very reason I want them to succeed so I can get the stuff I need when I need it. Also the people that run these specialty shops are my friends and neighbors. Another reason I want them to succeed. Not saying their isn't room for the big guys and the little guys both. I just prefer to shop at a store where I know the guy behind the counter and he knows me. Might cost me a bit more money but to me money isn't all as important as friends and neighbors. The hardware store I shop at is locally owned and not Mega Home Has Everything Wharehouse (both mega stores are here) and they know who I am. Same with the local lumber yard. My grocery store is locally owned and I never have seen any of thier ads on TV. They know also who I am and I was once on a race team with the manager. It all costs me a bit more I guess and I could go on but it is the community thing again. To me it is important.