I wouldn't think you would need as much as a 3wt for one pound fish.....unless it is a matter of how large a fly you want to cast. There are 2 wts and 1 wts. I also don't see the necessity of 9'. But I am pretty green at this stuff so that explains that.

I would say though take the advice above and go to a good fly shop..try and buy. I thought I could not afford to go to an Orvis shop and buy a rod. So I bought a kazillion off the internet without ever handling them. I have spent far far far more on unknown rods than I would if I had just gone to good fly shop and got fitted for what I like. I now have over 50 rods and don't even know how to go about sorting them. And I still don't know what I like!

Actually I bought a lot of stuff as a way...unknowingly....of coping with mourning.

I think rather than rigging them all up with different lines and reels to try them....I would be better off to just sell them all. Then go to a good shop. Their knowledge can cut through all the riff raff and stuff I don't know...and they can get me to a rod I would simply love....much much faster than my experimental way.

I know. Dumb huh?

Just FYI