Interesting comments Host Ray. I have a couple of rods in my collection that I don't like, without mentioning specific manufactures, I will discuss why I don't like them.

Most are a matter of weight or action type. It's not that they are not quality rods, it's that they don't match my style. For a new guy, that doesn't know what he likes it's hard to suggest a rod type, for someone with many rods they probably have a preference for length and action type.

I tend to be a long rod guy, much prefer 9' over any 7 1/2' rod. I also like fast action rods and avoid slow action rods like the plague.

Daz Wah, so in order to get some good recomendations, what action type best fits you? I see that you already mentioned length so that will avoid all those guys that say that they love their 5 1/2' 3 wt. Price point will be the other big concern.

If you alread like Orvis and Sage, go look at their line. I would love a new Helios, but if I remember right they don't make that in a 3 wt but the 4wt is much lighter than most 3 wts and has power. Shopping is always fun. - for fly fishing equipment that is.