One other thing. Like mentioned previously. It doesn't matter which anti virus program you put on, you CAN get a virus. There are hackers out there writing new virus programs on a daily basis. Even the best anti virus programs can't keep up with them.

Most do it for the thrill, but some do it to for more devious reasons. It's the newest level of international terrorism and this is growing. You still need to be responsible for what you do and where you go with your computer. I can guarantee that if you like downloading pirated material like movies, music, software WILL get a virus sooner or later. Also if you like hitting those adult'll get infected with tons of spywear and worms. If you open emails and go to web sites that they may have in them ...and you are not absolutely sure you know who sent'll get a virus. If you have tweenies and will get viruses if your not watching them 24/7.

AVG added something new on it's free program this year. A Link Scanner that checks for malicious drive by downloads. I love it.