I've found that no matter what virus protection I use, there is always something that comes along which can infect my computer. And that's true even if you update regularly. I had an attack the other day that took over my computer with flashing lights, noise and an unremovable pop up that told me I had been infected with spyware and I must buy the best virus remover on the market. You couldn't make the popup disappear, not even with a computer restart, it was still there. All it wanted was my personal information and credit card number to order this great antivirus program. BTW, I was not on a questionable site at the time; I was actually researching the history of deductive reasoning----honest.

The computer professionals at my university have decided that McAffee antivirus protection is the way to go. When I told them about this incident, they weren't surprised but still insisted that McAffee is the best on the market. One added that this is the type of problem you run into when you have millions of highly computer literate people in third world countries who have no opportunity to find jobs commensurate with their education level.

I won't argue with the computer geeks---McAffee, I guess. 8T