Well, H-Bob, I have to admit............. scary as it may seem, you and I do things a lot alike! When it comes to going fishing, I seriously, never have any problems going. I just go. BUT, it I've gone TOO MUCH, in a certain time period, I CAN hear "little rumblings" about it.
So, if I still want to go, like the day after the "little rumblings", I'll set the alarm for about 4:30AM. When it goes off, she yells at me, of course, to "shut that ^&&))** THING OFF!"
Which, works great, because THEN I pat her where "only I'm allowed to pat" and whisper to her.............. "I can't decide, dear, if I want YOU more right now, or if I want to go fishing again??
All, I hear is, "Take your coat, it'll still be cold out", as she turns over and goes back to sleep.