Shane, nice flies!!
If, in the future, you have any trouble with your bride about the mess, excess and costs of your new obsession, you see little slips of paper lying around with lawyer's names and numbers on them........... you know, the usual stuff all fly fishermen and tier's hear and see, every day............ just drop your bride the name "Jeff Sluter", or :Jefnles1" or have her sign in here, at FAOL and she can follow Jeff's posts around the boards and see for herself.
Jeff, (also, hides under the name of "Tying God"), is an EXPERT on "marital bliss and harmony in the home", when it comes to fly tying, buying materials, having an organized tying area, the works. There's nothing, he can't help you with I'm sure!
"It's not YOUR FAULT", (as you'll honestly explain to her of course), IT'S JEFF'S, because he's also somewhat new to tying and also posts pics of his flies. He also very much, encourages OTHER new tiers to "stick with it" and "get more materials and get more involved".
Once your wife realizes that NONE of this, is really YOUR fault you're in the clear!! (Until, of course, you start building your own rods, then for THAT, I have another name you can use).
Anyway, "Leslie" is also a name you'll want to jot down and keep handy, which I'll explain more about, later on when and if, lawyers get involved in the scheme of things.