I think I'm missing the point here. The comercial and outdoor usage rates mean nothing when related to taking a kid fishing. I thought that the reason was to share a joyful experience. I have three children of my own and they all different feelings about fishing but they all enjoy it to one degree or another. One mistake that I see repeated over and over is the adult trying to fish at the same time, especialy if the child is very young and the stress is incredible. Don't make it stressful on the child. And if they want to play with bugs, minnows, frogs or poke a stick in the mud just go with them and have a good time. Getting out of the house and away from the tv and video games and relating with the child should be a goal not worrying about numbers, lengths and pounds. Teach them how to tie a fishing knot you will be surprised how quickly they piick it up.

The is nothing sweeter to the ear is "Dad I Think I Got A Fish!" or "Where Did My Fly Go!"

Just take a kid fishing and have fun.
