Uhhhhhhhhhhh. errrrrrrrrrr. welllllllllllllllllll. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
I don't even know HOW to respond to such a post! Maybe, when what's left of my mind can wrap itself around the fact that SOMEONE has so damn much MONEY that they can afford to wastes it on "televising a program on the human consumption of waste by-products", I'll have an idea?
I FULLY AGREE with JC. "eating the tailgate of a Nash Rambler"......... sounds far MORE appetizing, than that of eating "ground up slaughter house floor sweepings in a can". At least the chemicals, toxic acids and metal dissolving agents found in Denny Moor Stew, would soften the tailgate enough to digest it.

Geeze, Joe. After receiving those gorgeous flies, you sent me, (albeit the added attempt on my life, with the other items included also), I just can't put 2 and 2 together, to think a program like "Eating Sewage In The Islands", would be something that excites you so much!?! "RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE"??

Now, DOUG, YES! THAT.... I would easily understand HIM getting this excited about a SPAM show. He STILL thinks, that chocolate milk comes only from brown cows and that strawberry milkshakes and ice cream, comes from red ones. Neither, have I been able to convince the man, that "SPAM, DOENS'T come, only from "rectangular pigs".
And, I'm more than sure, Duggie-Wuggie, WILL enjoy the show, only if, he stops trying to get it on his radio, first, and complain because "the picture's hard to see".

Even The Buckeye Bandit, I'm SURE will also tune in. I've talked to Mikey on the land line enough to know, he's man of deep religious convictions and beliefs, so being this "religious whatever" it's supposed to be, PLUS his love of SPAM, I'm sure will glue him right to his TV for the entire episode. He will also, no doubt, chow down his daily SPAM devotional of a 3-slice-toasted-SPAM-sandwich, while enjoying the entire thing.

But, sorry to say, I won't be watching it. Instead, I'll either simply go FISHING or maybe even, head to the local wrecking yard and try and seek out a tasty Nash tailgate, for my supper.................