I want to say your doing a great thing here.

So many of the great members here at FAOL have sent me flies, now I am tying and the Great Jack Hise has sent me not one but two care packages of fly tying materials.

The package he sent me today had some deer hair, lama fur for dubbing and a couple dozen size 16 hooks along with a fly he tied using these materials as a pattern.

These are just a couple of examples of what kind of Class Members we have here at FAOL.
Or are all fly fishers this great? I am not sure cause I just started fly fishing in July. I am glad I did and I am very glad I found FAOL.

You know what I will be doing this evening, I am just glad the wife bought me a 3X magnifier with lamp those 16s are awful small for my weak eyes and fat fingers. LOL