I have no problem with Cabela's or any other kits, unless your looking to build the best rod you can the first time out. If you look at at the guide set that came with that spinning kit and have spent anytime optimizing guide selection to get the lightest, most sensitive rod out of the blank you selected, that guide set isn't it. That set of spinning guides is to heavy and not properly sized by todays standards. That guide set may be barely acceptable 15-20 years ago.
If you look at the Cabela's catalog closely, they don't carry the correct guides in anything but the Fugi Alconites. I'm talking about the ceramic fly guides that aren't available for the rod tips on casting and spinning rods to keep them light and optimize the blanks characteristics.
I think a person would be better off getting a kit from a knowledgable rodbuilding supply company/shop, the difference in component costs in my view isn't that great. The real costs would be in the additional epoxy glues and finish, you'd get. That said it would all still be there for the next rod.
I'm not trying to trash anyone, I just think there is a better way, I just wish I'd had that advise when I started. I than wouldn't have had to rebuild half my rod arsenal.