I do not want this post hijacked, I am fighting the tendency for posts such as this to be side tracked for a number of reasons.

First often posts such as this one with in a few posts its hijacked by people not answering the question but expressing an opinion not asked for and not wanted. If the person who asked the question wants more info he can ask again. (and yes I have been guilty of this)

Second I am a believer that there is a tendency in Fly tying along with most things for people to become Equipment Junkies trying to make up for lack of practice and skill with the wrong belief that a new vise, bobbin etc will make them a better tier.

Third no mater how much money a person has, I believe for 99% of the people out there they should start out tying with a basic vise. IE an older model A, griffen 1a or 2a etc. then after six months of tying or so move up when they have the knowledge to know what they need and want they can then retire the basic vise to sit on a shelf, add it to a field kit, or give it to another beginner to help them on there way.

Now I want to know if I can tell a friend etc who is just beginning to tie to go find a good basic vise for a little over $50 or if there is junk out there to beware of.

If you want to start a thread about High end vises costing over $350 more power to you. I will read the thread but wont be participating as I have never tied on one. I will also not come in and start hijacking the thread telling you why you should not buy a $350 vise as I A. Don't really care what you spend you money on and B. Believe that as long as you kids are fed and your housing bill is paid for you should do what makes you happy. if that is fishing with a dowel or a gatti or tying by holding you hooks in your fingers or using a high end vise.

Just my thoughts
