Individual taste in books varies as much as the favorite rod or fly. With that in mind, we hope to review books and videos from the ever-growing fly fishing world, and share them with you. Books will be the best of all worlds, new and old. Many of the old books are now available in reprint, and the wisdom contained is timely today. Others can be found in second-hand book stores, or by mail order dealers. As we find videos we feel are outstanding they will be included. Be assured, reviews are based on what we have actually read or viewed, and due to that fact, may not appear weekly.


Reviewed By Tom Travis- Jan 28, 2013

Classic Salmon Fly Patterns

Michael Radencich is acknowledged as one of the finest Atlantic Salmon Fly Tier in the world and, in my opinion, is one of finest Atlantic Salmon Fly historians. His attention to detail and the thoroughness of research is outstanding with this volume. Michael is also a highly accomplished photographer and he enlisted the help of some of the finest Atlantic Salmon Fly Tiers to construct the patterns list in the monumental volume and his photo's so their work very well. 

Furthermore, like any outstanding author Michael gives full credit to all the Fly Tiers who contributed to this fine reference work. Michael has also authored Classic Salmon Fly Materials 2007, Twenty Salmon Flies 2010, and Tying The Classic Salmon Fly 1997 and all are outstanding and still available at Amazon.

The book itself is outstanding and the DVD is unbelievable with this DVD you receive an 82 minutes private fly tying lesson in the art of the Salmon Fly form one the finest tiers in the world, how great is that! A must for any serious angler/tyer that follows the art of the Salmon Fly.

Enjoy & Good Fishin'

Tom Travis
Montana Fly Fishing Guide

Author: Michael D. Radencich
Over 1700 Patterns from the Golden Age of Tying
Plus an 82 minute DVD with the author demonstrating the steps to tie a complete Full Dress Durham Ranger
Published 2012 by Stackpole Books, ISBN 978-0-8117-0852-4, $75.00,
346 pages in a large format,


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