

Rick Zieger - Apr 7, 2014

It was a day that called me to head for a pond. We had more rain again and it was too wet to drive into ponds. So I headed out to a pond near the University. By going there I didn't have to worry about getting stuck.

I started out with a 5 weight graphite and the Tenkara rod. I had tied a few flies on jig heads and wanted to try them with the Tenkara rod. I knew they would go deeper, but I want to know if the Tenkara rod will work that way.

I went to the end of the dam and started fishing. I noticed a few thunder clouds build, and as I watched they started building very fast. There was a mowing crew cutting the lawns around the pond and they had an eye to the sky. They were mowing along the dam and the area near it.

I fish fairly quickly across the dam and hooked a few fish here and there. I was very surprised to see a lot of algae about three inches under the surface. May be more algae this year than I thought there would be.

I arrived at the west edge of the pond, where there is a large flat. I started to cast there with the Tenkara rod. Suddenly I got a great surprise as a golf ball hit the rod. Not a good thing to happen. Very shortly a person I knew came over the dam to see if I was OK. He was just learning to play the game of golf and the ball did not go in the direction he wanted. He apologized and felt bad that the ball hit the rod. He offered pay to replace the piece of the rod.

I put the Tenkara rod away and began castingĀ  with the other rod and finally did find some bluegills. I caught about seven of them when one of the mowers stopped to talk to me. He asked if I have heard the thunder. What thunder? He said that when he stopped by the road to talk to his supervisor he heard the thunder.

I took his word for it and started for the truck. When I got away from the mowers and I could hear the thunder. I got home and cleaned the dozen gills that I had caught. When I got into the house and it started to rain. I saw lightning and it was about a half mile from us, somewhere between our house and the pond where I had been fishing. I checked the weather channel and there was one thunderstorm in the state of Iowa, and the DARN thing was right on my head.

Hope you can get out on the water.


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