Diane I'd like to see what I might be able to come up with,If You wouldn't mind me tagging along...This one is a unique swap for sure...Can't exactly put a name to it..But i'm thinking of something along the lines of the McGinty wet fly...!!!

[EDIT] Errr,,,,McToby wet fly...LOL...

"I've often wondered why it is that so many anglers spend so much money on,and pay so much attention to.the details on the wrong end of the fly line.If they took as much care in selecting or tying their flies as they did in the selection of the reel and rod,They might be able to gain the real extra edge that makes it possible to fool a fish that has,in fact,seen it all before" A.K.Best

"Wish ya great fishing"


[This message has been edited by billknepp (edited 18 September 2005).]