I'll be tying my slighly modified version of a #16 Deer Hair Emerger (DHE) which was featured in one of the big mags early last summer. It produced well for me under some tough conditions. Here is my recipe:

Hook- Mustad Sig. C49s #16 (curved caddis)
Thread- Gray/Brown UTC 140
Body- olive/brown Superfine dub
Rib- tying thread
Wing- deer hair, tied comparadun style
Thorax/Legs- australian opposum, teased out
Head- tying thread

I hope y'all like it more for its fish production than its looks; it really isn't much to look at but boy do those tough selective fish love it!!

God bless and tight lines,


[This message has been edited by EF (edited 07 February 2005).]