On the water the dance starts

The sippers are up; I do as good a job timing the rise with a camera as I do a fly

But the blind squirrel stumbles across an acorn every once in a while; those 20k flows in late May have kept the weeds very manageable and even with 6x there's not nearly as much salad around as I've seen in the past and I get a few to the net

5 of these guys come roaring over the dam; no time to get to the 12x Canon, the phone has to suffice

Pelicans imitating the Herky Birds

Top water action shuts down around 12:30 and I'm not here to nymph. Hoping for some caddis action in the evening; pretty scenery but no bugs and no heads up

As much fun as the trikes are it's time to hit the road and head for greener pastures, literally

Somewhat more intimate surroundings