Quote Originally Posted by Rick Z View Post
This is my off the wall idea. Denny Conrad was a great help to me about hackle.
I am thinking of a swap tribute.
Send 12 flies. They all will go to Reel Recovery and the recognition would go to Denny's family.
I will include a sheet with every ones name that would be part of this.
Please use feathers that you got from him.
Is there any interest?

Rick you stole my thunder!!! Kidding thought I have been working on something along the same idea though I was thinking project healing waters. I love it and I know Liz will as well. I'll do what I can to tie 12 flies and get them off to you. Ok i just had a thought. How about 13 flies and we take the extra flies and mount them into a shadow box for his daughter. with each set given a number to correspond to the tier on the list and frame it to be mounted next to the box. I'm also for just using his feathers if you can.