Quote Originally Posted by Royce View Post
I almost "donated" a knife one time. Flying out I was smart enough to pack my pocket knife in my checked bag. On the return flight, after the knife had been in my pocket for the better part of a week, I never gave it a thought. I actually dropped it in the little dish going through security. Of course, the security person turned on his red light. The supervisor came over and picked it up and asked me if this was my knife. I said yep. She asked if I wanted to keep it. I said yes.

She said, "OK, go over to the newsstand right over there. Buy a padded envelope and stamps, address it to yourself and come back. Hand me the envelope and I'll put your knife in, seal it and drop it in the mail box."

This was at the Salt Lake City airport and obviously wasn't the first time that had happened. They had the routine down pat. The young lady at the newsstand knew exactly why I needed an envelope and knew how many stamps I would need. The security supervisor did her job very well. I got my knife in the mail 3 days later.
Had the same thing happen to me!

Now, I've always carried a pocket knife of some kind - simply am not dressed without one. Right now I have a Sheffield lockback single blade - think I bought it a dozen years ago at Lowe's Bldg Supply, replaced an old Case that I had for years; and it's my knock around, work-a-day knife - think it cost maybe in the $15.00/20.00 range. Has a 2" blade, closed it's 3" - however, when wearing my Sunday best duds, don't carry it but instead have one of those little Swiss knives that has a little, frail 1" blade (good for opening mail), nail file, itty-bitty scissors, itty-bitty tweasers and a plastic tooth pick.
Well, I went through the airport security and dropped the little Swiss knife, along with my pocket change and keys, into the little bowl ... and Lord have mercy ... they quickly advised me that I could not carry a KNIFE aboard an aircraft! So I did the packaging of the itty-bitty knife and sent it home (site reference below shows what the little Swiss looks like). Strange regulations ... could not carry that little thing, yet I could have had a pair of stout scissors with 3" blades and that would have been O.K. ~
