Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
AS you ( CCW compliant folks) probably ( should) know, two legged predators can be fired upon ONLY and ONLY if their act/ behavior puts YOUR life in imminent danger. Breaking into your pick-up, wrecking windows and stealing a million bucks worth of stuff is NOT even remotely close to a probable cause for even FIRING your weapon in the direction of the perp. The law and YOUR responsibilities are VERY CLEAR and if you're not familiar with same, become familiar, it may save you much pain legal, financial and otherwise.

absolutely correct. Very few are willing to understand the moment-by-moment dynamics of a use-of-force confrontation. There is case law going back at least to the 1970s (that I know of, probably much further back) showing the instantly variable nature of threat of death / grave bodily harm. There is a current situation going on fairly close to me which illustrates it well--- in a nutshell-
- recently released criminal got a firearm and broke into a remote home with two victims inside
- confrontation ensued, sub-human sh**bag shot one victim 3 times
- other victim managed to disarm the sh**bag
- victim shot and killed the sh**bag (details not 100% clear in media reports)
- victim is now charged with murder, for shooting the sh**bag with the weapon he brought to the fight, because the sh**bag was apparently not an imminent threat to life at the moment he was shot, even though he had already shot one of the victims 3 times.

it sucks, but that's the world in which we live.