pillcaster - When I was at the Mich Fish-In this past June with Brad and Jack, the weather got to warm and the river was running in the 70's which did not help the fishing any. There were some that would cooperate on small dry flies during the day and I did want to catch some fish while I was there, so, I did fish some dries. I purchased my dry flies at Gate's Lodge Fly Shop and they had a dry fly they labled as the "Bunny Duster". The tail, body and wing was a gray/blue rabbit fur and the fish up there liked it. I Googled it and found a "Grey Duster" but no "Bunny Duster". As soon as the fly dries out, I will take a picture of it and post it here or send it to you so you can see it.

Brad - Yes, I used a dry fly!! I found a place on the Elk River that is very shallow and has a slow current running through it and lots of fish that were really active with feeding on the surface. I decided that this place would be a great place to practice dry fly fishing because the current was slow enough that you could get a long drift and not have to fight to keep mending the fly line. Everytime I reach this place, I have tied on either a dry fly or "doped" up one of my softhackle flies and fished it dry and have always caught fish. Most of the time the fish were small running from 7" to 12" and all were browns. This fish hit in an area that was no more than 1 foot deep on both sides of a hole about 2 1/2 feet deep. I was shocked to find it here in this small run, but, I am having a good time fishing the dry there. I have tried the dry fly on the main river, but, it is not as much fun because of the stronger current requiring a lot of mending to get a good drift. Brad, the next time you make a trip here to TN, I will be happy to take you to this spot so you can have some fun. Just let me know.....

I am still a sub-surface fly fisherman, but, I am learning to fish the dry fly too. I did fish, again, today and caught 16 brown trout and one rainbow. No really big ones today, but, sure a lot of fun.