Ed said he'd have a couple afternoons off to fish. I didn't think he'd be hauling self all over christendom, or Yellowstone, to do some fishing. Flat Creek, through the Elk Preserve, is excellent, though tricky, fishing, and an incredible way to spend a few/couple afternoons/weeks. It's right outside the north end of town. I fish Wyoming almost exclusively now (we all know there are no trouts in South Dakota!), and am somewhat familiar with the rules and laws. I wouldn't send Ed, or anyone, on a wild goose chase laced with broken laws and regulations.

Ed, and anyone, venturing in to fishing areas they are not familiar with, need check through publications, and official sources, the rules and regulations for the area they will be in. Quite frankly, if you want information once there, the fly fishing stores prove to be very little help. They don't like to give any info out on the waters, UNLESS you're going to hire a guide for at least the full day. Doubt me? Just ask them! Snide and surly are descriptions that come instantly to mind. And for heavens sake, don't ask them which flies are working!! (from your boxes).