
Normally I won't dispute someone else's statement, but when it comes to legal matters and the possibility of violating a law, I feel I must respond.

Wyoming treapass laws are very strict and the landowner does in fact own the bottom of the river.

Download the Wyoming Game & Fishing book and go to page 5. There are two articles that very clearly state this.


I am not trying to be a downer, I just wanted to point out that in Wyoming you really have to take care of where you are. They have some fantastic fishing and great fighting fish. I love fishing the North Platte River. Our guides had to be very careful about where they were before dropping anchor, because even that is trespassing if you are over a piece of private land waters.


There is a book The Wyoming Angling Guide published by Fothergill & Sterling. It is a fantastic source for fishing info and has great maps showing the rivers and various public access points.

Larry ---sagefisher---