Quote Originally Posted by Longs for Cutts View Post
This is for people who go out and buy the "experts only super mega-fast high performance over-hyped fly rod of awesomeness" and find out they can't cast it because either A.) They aren't very good casters, B.) They are fine casters but have a relaxed stroke, C.) They are using some rod designed for casting the whole line in saltwater on some creek full of 8" brookies and can't get the rod to load at 15 feet instead of 75.
I don't think that's what he meant by "I don't get it". Most of get why half weight lines exist, but why make a line full weight heavier, and label it as the lower rating? If I wanted a line at the higher weight, I'd just go out and buy one at that weight. There would be a lot more options.

There's another reason for half weight lines, btw. Some classic cane rods designed for silk line just don't have a line that balances them in the full weight ranges.