... despite hap's ideas about some better ways to do it, I'll just accept that this fellow did what he could do in the moment he was in.

As to an award - the man already has his reward simply calming the moose to the point that he could do what he set out to do, free the moose without either one of them being injured. I venture to say that the fact that critter let him touch it on the nose in the process is a memory that will last a lot longer and give him more pleasure than anything that could be presented to him as an award.

Maybe SE Idaho isn't the kind of "moose country" that Art lives in, but being around mooses was very common when fishing the South Fork of the Snake and the Henry's Fork, more so the South Fork. Never saw one hung up in a swingset. Guess they were country mooses, not urban mooses. And most of them are pretty docile animals, excepting cows with calves, and they send real clear vibes about what you should do, and bulls during the rut, which really should not be messed with.

Awesome video, Jesse. Thanks for posting it.
