Quote Originally Posted by Kerry Stratton View Post
"If you're working your way downstream and come across someone working upstream, yield to the angler working upstream. This is an old rule from the time of Hewitt and Gordon."
Unless you are swinging for steelhead then the opposite is true; everything is going down stream.
But so is everybody, so it's a non-issue. On a trout stream, though, downstream yields to up is the rule.

"Cellular phones, beepers, radios and television have no place on the river."
I respectfully disagree and carry my phone at all times while on the river. I consider it another safety item. It isn't the cell phone that is the issue here it is how the cell phone is used that should be considered.
Not just safety. Many fishers in my area have the REPORT-A-POACHER number on their cell phone, and use it.