I think the Old Dominion would be a great location, with the great range of diversity of FF available. You can chase brookies in the mountains, smallmouth in the large rivers, and even try for stripers and drum in the Chesapeake Bay. I dont know what is involved in a Fish-in, but I did attend an informal "gathering" in Tenn a couple summers ago, and it was a lot of fun. You have a lot of choices as to location and even type of fish. Waynesboro, maybe something around the Va FF Festival? Or, Luray has lots of activites and is close to the SNP and the Shenandoah River (is the Brookside Inn still open?). There is lots of campgrounds near the New at Radford. Graves Mt lodge in Madison would be great but may be pricey. The biggest hurdle is finding a guy or girl to ramrod it, I know I never seem to have any time. It may be too late to for this summer but 2013?....