Nice job tying those flies and with the pix, spoof. I'd fish them with some confidence for trouts in moving water. If I were tying them, I'd go a bit sparser on the tails and hackle.

Having said that, I need to ask about the name. Is that the "prince charming" that was recently written up in a fly tying magazine ?? When I saw that one, I thought, and still do, that the fly bears virtually no resemblance to a prince nymph, and the naming of it is a cheap marketing trick meant to attract attention and increase sales. The only thing they have in common with a real prince nymph is the white biots.

Got to say that the real prince nymph, which has a well deserved world class reputation, is a fly that just never worked for me. I'd either lose them before I caught a fish or I wouldn't catch a fish. Except one time when I pulled about fifteen mountain whitefish out of one small hole with one fly on the South Fork of the Snake in SE Idaho. Scott for sure would save the world.
