... in the Wolf Creek / Craig area provided some outstanding spots yesterday.

Those three pix form a panorama from the left swinging right, from the spot I caught these spots.

The background in another spot was also pretty neat.

But the spots were a bit smaller.

This was the first time I've fished the Missouri. It is a loooooonnnnng roundtrip from this part of the state, at least as a day trip. And I probably won't fish there again unless I am in the area or make it an overnight trip.

But it is easy to see why it is such a popular destination. And not just the scenery, which is really interesting no matter what direction you approach from. Lots of insects and lots of rising fish. The insects yesterday were midges by the bucketfulls and on-again-off-again BWOs, both of which got fish up eating, at least sporadically, for the best part of the four hours that I was there.

Well, I didn't get skunked, but got to admit that I would have to refine some of my gear and fly selection decisions, and improve my presentation techniques for fishing downstream on really flat water, where a lot of the rising fishies were. Since this was as much a scouting trip, and another test for the FEB skwala, as it was a serious fishing effort, hooking up with only four fish ( and getting another half dozen or so to at least hit the fly ) wasn't all that disappointing.

The number of rafts and drift boats in all the parking lots and on the water was staggering, but it was Saturday. And I went partly on a weekend day to have the chance to observe others who would be more experienced on this creek.

The number of wolves I spotted on the way home was much lower - just one. That was the real treat for the day.
