Be careful about buying "off brand" hooks, regardless of the price. The same thing goes when buying hooks on Ebay. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, but just keep your eyes wide open before doing so.

I use Tiemco (primarily), and Dai Riki or Daiichi hooks for almost all of my trout flies. There are others, like Mustad that are also good, but I no longer personally use them.

I have examined samples of some of the "cheaper" off-brands of hooks sent to me by a board member here, and although they looked for all the world like Tiemco, they used a substantially inferior grade of wire for their hooks which I wouldn't want to trust for the larger trout that I hope to catch from time to time. The hooks were brittle and broke easily. I've also bought hooks on Ebay in the past that the seller (a large volume Ebay seller) claimed were Tiemco, but they were not - and were also inferior hooks. I have also seen similar inferior quality hooks being sold by a large fly shop as their store brand (this was not Hook and Hackle, by the way).