Quote Originally Posted by dudley View Post
Watch for the wolf pelts and buffalo robes to show up on ebay
This is a written to poachers. Please come blast our wild life and while you're here, why don't you shoot up some 8,000 year old petroglyphs.
Can't wait 'till some yahoo blows away a bear because it "invades" his campsite endangering his supply of Bud light
First of all, open carry is NOT legal, only concealed carry. Discharge is not legal unless in defense of self and even then, there is going to be some dispute over definitions. I don't think there are going to be people blasging petroglyphs or selling wolf pelts. The existing laws against that activity are still in effect and the existing punishments are still in effect. If some redneck is going to break the law by poaching in a park, the fact that he can carry a legaly licensed concealed firearm is of little consequence.
