now that was something to watch there Mato, Thank You....I was so very fortunate to have me t Warren when i was down in St John working a few years back. I had a copy of the the Fly Tyer that had done a write up on their Profile on him.....A very special person for sure. Funny thing he was almost embarassed that I would want him to autograph my magazine. He also tied me up a fly and gave me a couple fly's, actually two from the Profile.....He treated you as if you were famliy moments after enetering his shop.......And he didnnt want you to leave and wanted me to stay to tea.....Unfortunatley I never made it back to his shop before he had passed. Seemed like I lost an old friend and only had the pleasure to spend a couple hours with him........
How are you doing, I havent seen or spoke to you since you were working in that fly shop in London Ont.. How are things with you now. Have you healed up after the Bear atack.....Do you still keep in touch with Ian.......I still have a signed copy of his book kicking around here as well........Anyways I better quit running on here.....Thanks Again for the Memory, Don