
I get it. It seems at times that the fly tying board is being used for a show with little tell type board, as most 'discussion' of a posted fly picture is more along of the lines of adulation than discussion.

I also try to refrain from posting fly pictures unless it's in answer to a question or an attempt to give someone ideas on some particular genre. I'll sometimes start a thread to 'show off' a certain fly if I believe the technique is unique or particularly worthy of discussion.

But I must admit that I do like to see the efforts of others. It can give me ideas on new techniques and suggest new tweakings to existing flies. Once in a while I see something truly unique (seldom a fly itself, most normally a technique or material), which I'll happily incorporate into my tying repretoire.

I wonder how many of the experienced tyers here have to fight the urge to offer 'constructive' critism on some of the flies that are posted. It's a fine line between telling someone their fly is awful and giving them the information to make it better. I've given up the effort entirely since I have a tendency to pomposity anyway, and I don't want to encourage it.

I must admit I have seen enough 'soft hackle' flies posted here to last my entire lifetime.......
