I have 6 wonderful step kids whose father committed suicide. I witnessed the pain they went through on a daily basis for the last 25 years. However, when I started hearing, "You can't tell me what to do! You're not my real dad!", I had to reply, "No, I'm not but I am the closest thing you've got. You real dad bailed out on you."

Some might think this was horribly cruel but it helped them see the truth of the matter. Now, we can be a family and still recognize that they miss and love their dad. They now put the blame where it belongs, on their dad bit understand that it is still OK to grieve for him.

So, if the offende party has been unfortunate eniugh to loose a loved one to suicide, you have my sympathy. However, you need to quit taking your pain out on good folks like Betty and put the blame for how you feel where it belongs.

If I have offended any of you good people, please notice that there are no Constitutional protections against being offended.