Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Thanks for the offers ..... saving my cash for a nice Cuba trip in March ... until then ...ice fishing .........had a GREAT fly season this year.... got out about 90 days and the best was 15 days in the Rockies ... fished the upper Columbia in the Kootenays around Radium BC... the only problem was the bears .... but made it through safely... until spring >> keep your lines tight,,,,

Shadow.. I think you may need a bit of a lesson in what is avail in your own Province, come down south to SWAB that is - South West Alberta..

I fly fish all year long that is right ALL YEAR LONG and that is in flowing waters..

Check the weather forecast and when they predict a "chinook" pack up the gear and boot it down here hit the ----------- and the --------- for some great fishing !!!