Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post
I'm hooked!

As far as it "not being fly fishing"; anything I can do to rub a few fly fishing snobs the wrong way makes Tenkara even more enjoyable
Then just use a cane pole and worms. You guys crack me up.

I'm far from a fly fishing snob, and I'm fortunate(?) to have learned Tenkara style fishing in Japan.

The fact is, if it didn't have some exotic sounding name, 90% of the current disciples would have turned up their (snob) noses and kept on casting their $1000 rods with reels containing drags capable of stopping a truck, for ten-inch trout. Any barefoot, dirt-poor country kid can tell you how effective "Fixed Line" fishing is.

Tenkara is certainly a refreshing change from the techno-bullsh*t magazine style fly fishing kit we are made to believe is mandatory.

Please don't think I'm knocking the method, but I do giggle a lot at how many people seem to be getting their loins all in a flutter about it.