I'm with Normand. Here's how I do it. First step is to tie in the post/wing. Reinforce the base of the post with several wraps of thread, and add a tiny bit of super glue to the wraps. Tie in the tails and dub the body right up to the head. Tie in the hackle at the base of the post. let the thread hang over the back side of the post. Take the fly out of the vise, and reinsert it 90 deg from the original position, head down. wrap the thread to the top of the post. Wrap the hackle, first wrap tight to the body, and wrap to the top of the post. Tie off hackle, clip off excess. At this point, you could half hitch the thread to the post, but it really isn't needed. Put a small amount of super glue at the tie off point, and allow a minute to dry. Cut off thread, and the fly is done. I tie down to size #26 with this method, and find the resulting flies to be effective and durable, as well as quick and easy to tie.