Glad your dog is ok. Better yet is keep your dog leashed when in the woods. I have a black lab about a year and a half old and I always keep her leased because I am afraid she will find a snake or somthing else. I don't see many rattlers in central PA however they are their. We also have bears and two weeks ago my lab was off leash and she is very good off leash however she still is a pup. A large black bear came up from the creek about 10 yards away and my lab thought it would be fun to chase the bear. She followed for about 50 yards and finnally heard my screaming and came back. She was lucky the bear decided to run rather then take a swat at her. The moral of the story is, keep your dog on a leash unless hunting or be real prepared for somthing bad to happen; you may think your dog is safe but things happen real fast. I have only seen 2 bears in that area in the last couple of years and we were lucky the other day. I learned my lesson.
