Good for you. I smoked for about 12 years and gave it up cold turkey about 25 years ago. I took a stop smoking class that dealt with the psychological aspects of smoking addiction. We learned smoking is a learned habit that you have to unlearn--change your routine. For example, if you get up everyday and have a smoke first thing, then you should change that and maybe take a shower first. If you have a smoke after every meal then change that by taking a walk instead. It was still hard but it got easier everyday. We also learned that after three days the nicotine is gone from your system and then it's just a mental thing. You can do it. Tomorrow will be day three and it won't be long that it will be year three. I feel so stupid for having smoked in the first place. There are no redeeming values to it. It's just a total waste. Just think you will smell so much better. Your hair won't stink, your clothes won't stink and your breath will be fresh. I can only think of how bad I must have smelled to other people. I guess you get the point. It's the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones. I'm not preaching to you I'm just trying to encourage you.