I quit about 13 years ago. I used the patch and don't think I could have done it without the patches. My wife finally gave up smoking for good about 2 years ago. She used some prescription drug; can't remember the name right now.

When I quit I decided one day while lighting up. Stopped lighting the cig and drove down to the store and bought some patches. Didn't have any plans to quit that day nor did I tell anyone I was quitting. Several days later my wife asked me if I had quit smoking and I said I think I have. I carried a pack of cigarettes around with me for a month and a half. Likely the only time I littered was when I was driving down the road to my house and threw them out the window. Never looked back and consider it the second most important decision I ever made after quitting drugs and alcohol. Well, perhaps marrying my wife tops the list of good ideas.