
The newest studs are probably shorter because they are designed to screw into rubber which grabs the threads better. Chota on the other hand has a built in plastic post on the midsole which their studs screw into. I'd venture to guess the Chota studs are 5/8" for that reason.

The Ice Screws, (which BTW are NOTHING like regular hex head sheet metal screws found in a hardware store) do come in lengths longer than 1/2" on the link I provided but that company is hardly the only source. On felt you do want to get at least a few threads into the midsole if you want them to hold. Another possibility is to attempt to saturate the felt at the stud locations with some type of glue to provide a firmer mounting point. Pliobond Contact Cement works which is a LOT thinner than Barge. Just apply a small circle of it where you want the studs. Apply it several times and let it soak in, then let it dry completely overnight.

Again, if you want the ultimate grip you want studs that BARELY protrude beyond the felt. I have used a Dremel bit like the one pictured on the far left in this link to create a recess in the felt to accomplish this. With a recess you get the best combination of felt & stud contact AND you can use shorter studs.

Good luck!