While not fly fishing I have fallen for the work of Robert Wood. I am lucky enough to own one from his Catskills period showing a creek in the Catskills in the fall and last Dec I saw one for sale for more then I could afford of his North West period of MT Hood. I really wish I could have afforded that one but the antique store wanted more then I paid for my commuter car.
A print by Robert Wood I picked up for $8 at Value Village started me on my love of outdoor paintings and prints. That one print started me to collecting the dozen or so paintings that I now own plus many prints. I have been told by some of Amie girlfriends that our condo looks like some type of studio or something with all the walls covered with prints and paintings.
I got the Wood painting about 6 months back when we went to a moving sale and I got the paintings for $50. Amie my girl friend and fishing partner saw me carry this thing around the rest of the sale looking for more of them, like as she stated like it was a teddy bear held by a small child, until we got out to the car and it went home with us. It now sits above the fire place which is next to my fly tying desk.