That's a good idea too ducksterman, especially coating the matl. to make it stay together. When you say polypro, do you mean sheet matl. or strands like zylon or such? I'm wanting to make small blue damsels for bass at the lake. It's a riot when they start jumping 2-2.5 feet out of the water trying to get the damsels...i want to let the breeze carry the fly off the surface to see if i can get the bass to come out of the water for it.

Wifey just heard me mumbling about 'damsel wings' and asked 'what the heck are you doing' ? Came up with something called 'organza' i've got to say, this could work on its own. wondering if this is what i saw at Albany two years ago and the tyer was very lightly burning/melting the edges of the wings to keep them from fraying when casting? Looks like i've got work to do.

