Quote Originally Posted by Cold View Post
Seems like there's quite a few people complaining about the colors of the website.

Aside from wondering how they manage to perform any other task on a computer, I thought 'why couldn't the other windows just share the same color scheme as the main page? Have the background be white, post headers be dark brown, and text fields be light tan?
Windows will not pass on it's color scheme to web pages (colors, fonts etc.), it just doesn't work that way. It will only change the part of the window thats generic (title bar, browser menu buttons etc.) the things that are common to ALL applications. Settings within the App are up to the app developer, in this case the web designer. Part of what makes web sites individual are their specific color/font combinations. If a webmaster gets enough complaints, he'll realize his color website design may not be the best for business. Many of theses settig are built into the software and the web designer has limited choices. I doubt that Ron built this from scratch. His hands are likely tied to options from the BB software.

If the new design is too bright, use your brightness/contrast and tone it down for now.