I'm new at this. Don't let the "Senior member" status fool you. I am new and would never have made my first trip fly fishing with Jack Hise without this site. And certainly wouldn't be addicted to the fly as I am without this site. I read the articles, and study the fly archives. I've got a book that I started where I printed out the step by step fly tying instructions by Al Campbell. (All of his "too simple" flies and a few others that I thought I could probably tie) The further I delved into the information on this site, the more I realized I was just scratching the surface of the information available. So when I have a question, which is often, I just post it here on the BB. It's simply easier and doesn't take up nearly as much time. That may make me lazy in some people's eyes, but I'm glad and thankful to all of you that have helped me out. I use to apologize for asking another "dumb" question, but no one ever told me I was bothering them or anything, so I just kept asking and over the last year or so, I stopped apologizing for it. This may sound corny, but I just hope someday to really deserve the "senior member" status and be able to help some other poor newbie out.
