Cortland Clear Camo WF5I...Rocket ...= 154 gr.
Cortland Camo WF5I...Precision...138gr.
I'm glad to know I will pick the rods I have that should like the one line and others that should like the other line.

You know, I still don't get it. Yes, rods work better with appropriate lines, but either a line OR a rod may be off from the labeled designation. Maybe my rod is actually a 4.95 an the line is a 5.1 - what am I to do?!!
I wonder if you are concerned about casting a specific distance. In the example you listed for Cortland lines, 33.48ft of the lighter line = 30ft of the heavier line, so if you cast those amounts of those lines the rod should feel the same (but your timing will have to change). If you want to cast 10ft or 40ft, what are you going to do? By changing line lengths you changing the 'virtual' weight designation, the rod will not be casting the ideal weight, and the feel of the cast will change.
You might actually want to cast the heavier line if your casts are all short (or you tend to shoot line on the cast). Or use the lighter line if you are casting farther or prefer to arialise a lot of line rather than shoot. This is where the plan of the perfectly weighed line to match the common-cents rod fails. If you always cast long, then you are casting 6wt of line regardless of the 5wt rod designation. This is why most respondents to this thread are promoting FEEL over measurements. The line may be Rocket Taper, but this is not rocket science.