
Absolutely right!

The master electrician is coming in this week to complete the installation of the transfer switch and the 30 amp box which will run our key circuits.

For any who want to run a backup-up generator on their house circuit, ... YOU MUST use a transfer switch (I believe it's in the codes in the US). There are a few haywire schemes on the internet to run the backup up current back through a plug in the house.

You can seriously damage your house, generator etc this way ... AND you will quite probably injure or kill a line technician when you back feed into the grid.

The investment in a backup generator is pretty big. The added cost of a properly installed switch is minimal compared to that!
(oh, ... and you should use fuel conditioner .. as small investment for peace of mind, smoother running of motors and less maintenance).

my 0.2212 $ (cnd)